Friday, August 22, 2008

Waking Up

Our little Ryker is finally waking up. His eyes are open for longer amounts of time and it is so fun. He loves to just look around. The girls love it when he is awake because they can sing and talk to him. He is going to be so spoiled.


Anonymous said...

Oh he is so so so so so CUTE!!!!!!!!!!

Jared said...

Wow, you have one great looking family. Congrats on the newest arrival. I came across your blog through Rachael Nacey who has your sister Star listed in her friends. I just wanted to say hello and congratulations.

Karen said...

He is so darling...Just looking at him makes me want another baby!!!

Unknown said...

Big fat hugs jess! I hope you are back to your gorgeous smiling face. I love love looking at pic's...its so fun! He is so darling. And your girls are so sweet with me if you want to let any of the girls come and play!! H&B would love to have there cousin's come over!!